+3 500

reviews already published on the Google review pages of our hotel partners.


average rating published by their customers

Up to 10

additional reviews published each month on your Google review page

Why is your online reputation so important?

Did you know that one in two travelers books a hotel with a Google rating above 4/5? What is your Google rating?

At PeeK’in, we have collected over 70,000 reviews with an average rating of 4.8/5 since our launch. If they are satisfied with their experience, they will leave a positive review on your Google review page.

Examples of Google customer reviews

From the customer journey to the purchase decision, discover how PeeK’in impacts your conversion rate.

Measured improvements : Without PeeK’in / With PeeK’in.

CriteriaWithout PeeK’inWith PeeK’in
Solved items rate

(shipping, hand delivery, abandonment)


Passive: waiting for customer calls


Proactive: customer notification

Time spent by your teams2h/item30 min/item
Customer satisfactionLost property management not a priority.

Negative and unprofessional image.

Proactive and efficient management.

Professional image.

Google rating of your hotelYour current ratingAdditional rating of 4.8/5 published on your Google review page thanks to lost items notification.
Customer loyaltyWait-and-see attitudeIncreased loyalty thanks to positive experiences

They trust us

Hotels from 2* to 5* and Palaces. From 10 to 1,000 rooms.

Independent hotels, Hotel groups, Cottages, Guest houses, etc.

Schedule a 30-minute demo and discover the impact of PeeK’in.

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    * Mandatory field.